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Image by Vincentiu Solomon

“The Quantum Consciousness Experience is one that takes us through the human portal into ever expanding realms of consciousness. This safe and natural journey is undertaken in the energy of service, offered by a Facilitator who brings forward a state of remembering, as the client embraces their expanded state of being.”

~ Peter Smith, Institute for Quantum Consciousness



The Quantum Consciousness Experience (QCE) offers you a transcendent journey into ever expanding realms of consciousness, through the portal of the human heart, remembering and embracing your Magnificence, the Truth of who you really are.


I am so honored to have been Certified as a Quantum Consciousness Facilitator and to offer this journey and experience to those who are ready to dive in and explore expanding states of awareness.


This journey into expanded states of awareness offers opportunities for healing and profound wisdom, and a life forever changed.


As your Facilitator, I will assist you to create a high vibrational intention for your journey.


The Quantum Consciousness Experience session may last from 2.5 to 3 hours with time for a preliminary discussion and short debrief included to assist in answering any questions you may have about your experience. A short introductory discussion is offered to see if this is something that you feel you are interested in undertaking, and what to expect, although truly, every journey is unique to the individual!




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(2.5 to 3 hours with a separate 30-minute consultation included)


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